Legal Vaping Age

How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy a Vape in 2024: Regulations by State

buying a vape

How old do you have to be to buy a vape?

  • The federal Tobacco 21 (T21) Act, effective in 2019, sets the minimum age for purchasing and using tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, at 21 years old.
  • There are some exceptions in 2024: Alaska has a minimum vaping age of 19, while Arizona has 18. Explore the detailed regulations on “how old do you have to be to buy a vape” in all 50 states below to vape legally.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Vape In The US?

Congress of the United States passed the federal Tobacco 21 (T21) Act in 2019, which raised the minimum age for legally purchasing tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and their accessories, within the United States to 21. According to this law, all tobacco retailers shall not make deals for tobacco with people under 21 years of age.

However, not all states have aligned their restrictions with federal law. The minimum age to purchase tobacco slightly varies for each state: in twenty-four states, it's 21; in twenty-five states, it's 18; while one state has it at 19. Move into the next section for state-by-state details.

Federal law of the US sets the legal age to purchase and use vapes as 21

Federal law of the United States sets the legal age to purchase and use vapes as 21

How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Vape  According To State Regulations?

How old do you have to be to buy a vape in Florida? Or, how old do you have to be to buy a vape in Texas? Below is a table detailing the legal vaping age for each state, specific vaping bans, and whether they consider e-cig tobacco products.

Exceptions to the legal vaping age regulations vary by state

Exceptions to the legal vaping age regulations vary by state

State Legal Vaping Age Vaping Bans Are Vape Pens and E-cigs Considered Tobacco?
Alabama 21 Licensed emergency medical providers and daycare facility workers during work hours No
Alaska 19 Enclosed public spaces and areas near children No
Arizona 18 Foster care and around foster children No
Arkansas 18 School zones, childcare centers, healthcare facilities, public college campuses, and state park buildings No
California 21 (21+ for mail order service and 18 if in the active military)

Youth jails, around minors, and in public zones

Colorado 18

Around minors or daycare centers, during driving tests, and in assisted living residences

Connecticut 18

Government, health, and food industries, in motels, around minor facilities

Delaware 18

 Anywhere that bans smoking

Florida 21 Enclosed indoor spaces (including cars) and vehicles or buildings that provide care to adults or children No
Georgia 18 Food service workers, unless in designated smoking areas No
Hawaii 21 All parks and the University of Hawaii. ID requirement even if using a mail order delivery service Yes
Idaho 18 It is illegal to ship to those under 18 No
Illinois 21

At the Capitol Complex and College Campuses

Indiana 18

Age restrictions apply to use. Mail orders must verify legal age

Iowa 18

State properties, public zones, the University of Iowa campus, and around foster children

Kansas 18

Juvenile corrections facilities and juvenile jails

Kentucky 18 Property owned by the state Executive branch, healthcare facilities, veterans’ parks, fairgrounds, highway rest areas, quarries, and around children No
Louisiana 21 (Or 18 if living with a parent or for use in a private residence) School properties No
Maine 21 Anywhere that bans smoking and the Wells Reserve (except designated areas) Yes
Maryland 21 (18 for active military) Not available No
Massachusetts 21 Anywhere (except designated areas) and children's camps. Yes
Michigan 21 Most of the public zones No
Minnesota 18 Government buildings, child and healthcare businesses, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, licensed medical facilities, and during working hours at salons Yes
Mississippi 18 Not available No
Missouri 18 Not available No
Montana 18 Not available No
Nebraska 18 Public places and employment places No
Nevada 21 Piercing salons No
New Hampshire 18 Places where smoking is prohibited and public educational buildings No
New Jersey 21 Anywhere smoking is prohibited, children’s group homes, and the International Airport (except in designated areas) Yes
New Mexico 21 Anywhere smoking is prohibited Yes
North Carolina 18 Childcare centers, childcare homes, jails, school properties, and school events Yes
North Dakota 18 Anywhere smoking is banned No
New York 18 Anywhere smoking is banned No
Ohio 18 (younger age permitted if bought with a parent) Capitol buildings, body art and tattoo procedure or equipment sterilization rooms, the University of Cincinnati campus, and various other campuses as per policy No
Oklahoma 21 Treatment facilities for drug addiction, mental illness, or other addictive disorders such as gambling No
Oregon 21 Anywhere smoking is banned. No
Pennsylvania 21 (18 for active military personnel or honorably discharged veterans) Anywhere smoking is forbidden Yes
Rhode Island 21 Anywhere smoking is banned, correctional facilities, including vehicles and properties Yes
South Carolina 18 Ambulances No
South Dakota 21 Anywhere smoking is banned and in correctional facilities (including use by employees, in vehicles, or on the grounds) Yes
Tennessee 21 Childcare centers, community centers, group care homes, healthcare facilities, museums, schools (adult staff may use outdoors when over 100 feet of the entrance), residential treatment facilities, zoos, and any school grounds Yes
Texas 18 (Younger age permitted with a parent, guardian, or over 18 spouse) At school-related activities, Department of Criminal Justice facilities, and all child care centers or child busses (except in designated areas) No
Utah 21 Anywhere smoking is banned (including vehicles) Yes
Vermont 21 Anywhere smoking is prohibited, including vehicles with occupants under 18 years old, childcare centers, after-school activities, and public school grounds or events Yes
Virginia 21 (or 18 if in the military) Buses, school properties, and school activities No
Wyoming 21 Around children in childcare facilities Yes (Considered a "nicotine product")
Wisconsin 18 Main stage and indoor buildings of the State Fair Park No
West Virginia 18 Anywhere smoking is prohibited, including on government vehicles, schools, and grounds, except in areas not used for educational purposes and where students are absent. Yes
Washington State 21 Childcare facilities, playgrounds, schools, colleges and universities, state-run veterans homes, and anywhere smoking is prohibited. No

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to buy vape underage?

  • A common way to purchase a vape underage, such as if you’re under 21, is to buy it online in states where the minimum age is lower, like 18 in Arizona. Offline, some individuals might use a fake ID or have an adult purchase it.
  • However, it is not recommended to attempt to buy a vape while underage. Most online stores, like Black Coral, have age verification systems that require visitors to be 21 or older. Although it's possible to lie about your age, these age gates indicate that the store adheres to the legal requirement of selling only to those who reach the minimum age.

2. Can I buy zero-nicotine vape underage?

  • No. Zero-nicotine vapes are also classified as tobacco products.

3. How old can I be to sell vape?

  • FDA regulations (see page 14) do not place a minimum age for selling vapes directly. However, to operate a facility where individuals under 18 are not allowed to use vending machines or self-service displays, all salespersons must be at least 18 years old.
  • Additionally, some state or local laws may set a minimum age for salespersons handling tobacco products. It is advisable to check with local authorities to see if there are specific age requirements for vape salespersons in your area.

4. What are the dangers of vaping for teenagers?

  • Toxic ingredients found in e-cigarettes and vapes, such as lead and formaldehyde, pose a risk to adolescents in terms of disrupting brain development, increasing the rate of cancer, and leading to high blood pressure and an increased heart rate. It is also the reason for more significant irritability, mood interference, and future lung diseases and breathing problems.

5. How old do you have to be to buy a vape in California?

  • You must be at least 21 or 18 in active military service.