Stability Tip: Should Vapes Be Kept Upright?

Stability Tip: Should Vapes Be Kept Upright?

Vapes should ideally be kept upright. Here’s why:

  1. Preventing Leaks: Keeping a vape upright minimizes the risk of e-liquid leaking out of the tank or cartridge. When stored horizontally or upside down, e-liquid can seep into the mouthpiece or airflow vents, leading to leaks and a sticky mess.

  2. Protecting the Coil: Vape coils are typically designed to absorb liquid from the tank when it’s upright. Storing a vape sideways or upside down can cause e-liquid to saturate the coil unevenly, potentially leading to leaks, reduced vapor quality, or even coil flooding.

  3. Preserving Battery Health: In the case of vape pens or mods with removable batteries, storing them upright helps prevent accidental activation, which could lead to battery drain or overheating.

For added safety, consider storing the vape in a stand or case that keeps it upright, especially when traveling.