Understanding the Burnt Vape Taste

Understanding the Burnt Vape Taste

Understanding the Burnt Vape Taste

Experiencing a burnt taste while vaping is a common issue that can greatly impact your vaping experience. This guide will help you understand why this happens and how to prevent it.

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt?

1. Dry Hits

A dry hit occurs when there isn't enough e-liquid in the wick of your coil, causing it to overheat and burn. This can happen if your tank is empty or if the wick isn’t saturated properly.

2. Worn-Out Coil

Over time, coils wear out and need replacing. A burnt taste is often a sign that your coil is past its prime and needs to be replaced.

3. High Wattage Setting

Vaping at a wattage level that's higher than what your coil can handle can cause the e-liquid to vaporize too quickly, leading to a burnt taste.

4. Chain Vaping

Taking several hits in quick succession can cause the wick to dry out and burn, as it doesn't have enough time to absorb more e-liquid between puffs.

5. Incorrect VG/PG Ratio

Using an e-liquid with a VG/PG ratio that is not suited for your device can also cause wicking issues. High VG e-liquids are thicker and may not wick properly in devices designed for thinner PG liquids.

How to Prevent a Burnt Taste

1. Prime Your Coils

Always prime new coils by soaking them in e-liquid before installation. You can do this by applying a few drops directly onto the wick and letting it sit for a few minutes.

2. Check Your E-Liquid Level

Make sure your tank always has enough e-liquid. Refill it before it gets too low to ensure the wick is always saturated.

3. Replace Coils Regularly

Change your coil every 1 to 2 weeks, depending on usage. If you notice a change in flavor or vapor production, it's probably time to replace the coil.

4. Adjust Your Wattage

Consult your coil’s recommended wattage range and adjust your device accordingly. Staying within this range ensures optimal performance without burning the coil.

5. Allow Time Between Hits

Give your wick enough time to absorb e-liquid between puffs. This is especially important if you're using a high-wattage setting.

6. Use the Right E-Liquid

Choose an e-liquid with the appropriate VG/PG ratio for your device. If you use a coil with smaller wicking holes, opt for a higher PG e-liquid to ensure proper wicking.

Quick Troubleshooting Tips

If you experience a burnt taste, stop vaping immediately to prevent further damage to your coil.

Check if your coil is saturated with e-liquid and give it a few minutes to soak if it's dry.

Adjust your wattage to a lower setting and try again.

Consider replacing the coil if you continue to experience a burnt taste.

By understanding the causes and prevention methods of a burnt vape taste, you can enjoy a smoother and more enjoyable vaping experience. Happy vaping!