When Was the Vape Invented?

When Was the Vape Invented?

When Was the Vape Invented?

The concept of vaping and electronic cigarettes has a fascinating history that dates back several decades. Here's a look at the evolution and key milestones in the invention of the vape:

Early Concepts and Prototypes


The first recorded idea of an electronic cigarette was by Herbert A. Gilbert, who, in 1963, patented a device that he described as a "smokeless non-tobacco cigarette". His invention used a battery-powered heat source to produce flavored steam, but it never gained commercial traction due to limited technological advancement and the dominance of traditional cigarettes.

The Modern E-Cigarette


The modern e-cigarette, which laid the foundation for today's vaping devices, was invented by Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist, and inventor. Hon Lik created the device as an alternative to smoking after his father, a heavy smoker, died of lung cancer. His design used a high-frequency ultrasonic vibration to vaporize a pressurized jet of liquid containing nicotine. This invention significantly improved the feasibility and appeal of electronic smoking devices.

2004 onwards

Following Hon Lik's invention, e-cigarettes were introduced to the Chinese market in 2004, and they began to gain popularity rapidly. By 2006-2007, e-cigarettes had entered the European and American markets. The technology continued to evolve, with significant improvements in battery life, liquid formulations, and delivery mechanisms.

The Rise of Vaping Culture


The 2010s saw an explosion in the popularity of vaping. This era introduced more sophisticated devices, often referred to as vape pens and mods, which allowed for greater customization and user control. These developments contributed to the rise of a robust vaping culture, complete with specialized shops, online communities, and dedicated vaping expos.

Regulatory and Health Considerations

2016 onwards

With the rapid growth of the vaping industry, governments and health organizations worldwide began to scrutinize the health implications of vaping and its regulation. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) extended its regulatory authority over e-cigarettes in 2016, requiring manufacturers to register their products and submit them for review.


The invention of the vape represents a significant shift in how nicotine is consumed. From Herbert A. Gilbert's early concepts to Hon Lik's pioneering commercial product, vaping has evolved into a global phenomenon. Whether motivated by a desire to reduce the harms associated with traditional smoking or the appeal of new technology, vaping continues to shape contemporary smoking culture.Ā 

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